Science for All: How to Make Free, Open Source Laboratory Hardware

By on December 11, 2015
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Also scientific research can benefit of the startups funding “tools” and approaches. Here we are presenting an interesting infographics and a catching project to target the creation and spread of open source lab tools and device, easy to be made with common electronic boards and a 3D printer. Lowering R&D lab investment means pushing research and researchers farther!

This exciting future of science is closer than you might think. Scientists from all over the world are radically reducing the costs of experimental research while simultaneously improving it. They are able to pull off this small miracle by through the development and use of free open-source hardware (FOSH). FOSH provides the “source code” for hardware, including the recipe of components, schematics showing how they go together, and instructions for assembling them.

The most powerful FOSH also include CAD (computer aided design) files that allow you to digitally replicate parts, or in some cases the entire device. Similar to what is seen in free and open source software development, FOSH accelerates innovation. Hundreds of scientific tools have already been developed. Scientists design, share and build on one another’s work to develop FOSH scientific tools. Free access to instrument plans is assisting scientific development in every field.

Most of the tools can be made with a RepRap, a self-replicating 3-D printer, or better with our 3DRag!

Source: Science for All: How to Make Free, Open Source Laboratory Hardware – Scientific American

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