Control your Satellite with Networked Open Ground Station!

By on February 13, 2015
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Have you ever dreamed about having a real Satellite by your own, or at least control it through a 3D printed, open source, networked station?

People at SatNOGS did, here is what they say about their project:

“We love satellites! And there are thousands of them up there. SatNOGS provides a scalable and modular platform to communicate with them. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are our priority, and for a good reason. Hundreds of interesting projects worth of tracking and listening are happening in LEO and SatNOGS provides a robust platform for doing so. We support VHF and UHF bands for reception with our default configuration, which is easily extendable for transmission and other bands too.”

Below you can see a video explaining their vision:

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