Python for not engineers: How to automate boring stuff in a heartbeat!

By on June 19, 2015
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“Learn to code” is the new mantra for the 21st century. What’s often lost in that statement is exactly what makes programming so useful if you’re not planning to switch careers and become a software engineer.

That was the beginning of a post dealing with Python programming for not experts. Why should you learn a programming language if you’re not interested in software dev?

Simple: because it is faster than doing a bunch of boring things, that you must do manually if you don’t know how to computerize that.

An example? A simple code to sort file in chronological order:

import os, shutil

monthMapping = {'Jan': '1', 'Feb': '2', 'Mar': '3', 'Apr': '4', 'May': '5', 'Jun': '6', 'Jul': '7', 'Aug': '8', 'Sep': '9', 'Oct': '10', 'Nov': '11', 'Dec': '12'}

for filename in os.listdir():
    monthPart = filename[:3]
    yearPart = filename[3:7]
    newFilename = yearPart + '_' + monthMapping[monthPart] + '.csv'
    print('Renaming ' + filename + ' to ' + newFilename)
    #shutil.move(filename, newFilename)

full detail and sintax here: Automate the boring stuff with Python

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