Prusa and Slic3r win 2017 3D Printer Buyer’s Guide by Make:

By on December 31, 2016
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Prusa i3 Mk2 wins the best 3D printer roundup for the 2017 according to Makezine, and it’s a double win: because Prusa features Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci as its official printing software!

About the testing process, Make: considered:

We have nine separate test models that each look at a different and individual aspect of a 3D printer’s performance. Most models are scored on a scale between 0 to 5 points, with the exception of the Z Wobble and the Support Material tests, which are pass/fail, scoring either 0 or 2 points. After all prints are completed and scored, those scores are added together to form the overall total score for that machine. Other useful aspects, like how loud the printer is or its physical characteristics, are important as well, but they do not affect the machines’ testing scores.

Here is the score table, for more details you can visit the official page: Make:

About Luca Ruggeri

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