Powerful FPGA miniSpartan6+ is on Kickstarter

By on June 16, 2014
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Really cool project on kickstarter (already funded): the The

As the team says “there’s a handful of similar boards on the market, but the miniSpartan6+ costs around half of what its closest competitor does”:

  • The Spartan6 LX9 FPGA from Xilinx, one of the best FPGAs on the market.
  • An on-board USB JTAG Programmer to power and program your FPGA with any open source programmer, like the one inside our own Scarab IDE.  
  • An on board USB interface that powers the board and allows communication with the PC at speeds up to 480Mbps. (That’s fast enough to make a logic analyzer. Check our website for updates on projects and tutorials).
  • An on-board HDMI port. Instead of using VGA output on your projects, now you can go HDMI.
  • An 8-channel analog to digital converter running at 1 MSPS with 8 bit resolution. So you can start connecting real world sensors to your FPGA kit.
  • Memory: 32MB of SDRAM, 64Mbit of SPI Flash and a microSD card interface.
  • A stereo audio output jack using 1-bit sigma-delta DAC to start playing your music.
  • 24 Digital I/O pins.
  • 8 LEDs.

Plus, this project is heavily based on open (hardware and software).

via miniSpartan6+ : A Powerful FPGA Board and Easy to Use IDE by Scarab Hardware — Kickstarter.

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