Open Source ESP8266 based Light Controller on CrowdSupply

By on May 26, 2018
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“The Light Controller is a certified open source hardware development board for controlling 12 V RGB LED strips and reading data from I2C sensors for light, temperature, humidity and gesture detection.”

The board, called ANAVI, can be programmed with the Arduino IDE or Home Assistant, and controlled with MQTT or any modern web browser. Since the project is open source hardware, all KiCad & OpenSCAD hardware design files and open source firmware can be found on AnaviTechnology Github account.

Supported I2C modules include BH1750 light sensor, HTU21D temperature and humidity sensor, and APDS-9960 RGB color and gesture detection sensor. A one meter 12 V RGB LED strip with 30 LEDs is provided in the kits.

ANAVI Light Controller specifications:

  • Wireless Module – ESP8266MOD module based on ESP8266 Tensilica L106 32-bit processor
  • Connectivity – WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
  • Expansion
  • Terminal block for 12 V RGB LED strip
  • 3x I2C headers for sensors
  • Debugging – UART header
  • Misc – Button
  • Power Supply – 12 V via power barrel jack
  • Dimensions – 75 mm x 40 mm
  • Certification – Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) BG000005

You can find further information at Anavi’s CrowdSupply page.

About Luca Ruggeri

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