Open Hardware Association releases first Writeup about Legal Issues

By on December 14, 2013
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Open Source Hardware Association ( recently released a complete writeup of the current guidelines and overall situation related to the legal discussion around open hardware IPR, patentability, open licenses and more. It’s just a starting point – and US centric – but it may be interesting for Open Hardware and Electronics creators to read!

This blog post provides information from the legal discussions surrounding open source hardware in an open hardware legal meetup event hosted at NYU by Jason Schultz, founder of Defensive Patent License, November 11, 2013. OSHWA was very grateful to be part of the event. Legal professionals at the event included: Michael Weinberg, Julie Samuels (mastermind of this get together), Jason Schultz (other mastermind of this get together), and others who wish to remain anonymous.

via Open Hardware Legal Meetup, NYU Nov. 11 | Open Source Hardware Association.


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