New Raspberry Pi Hat with RFID and NFC

By on August 31, 2017
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Eccel Technology has launched a Raspberry Pi Hat RFID/NFC Board that is also known as the Raspberry Pi-B1.

The Raspberry Pi-B1 provides RFID or NFC communications at 13.56MHz at a range of up to a meter, and is aimed at Raspberry Pi based access control, monitoring pre-payment, resource management, and connection-less storage systems.

The Raspberry Pi-B1 supports Mifare Classic, Ultralight, and NTAG2 RFID technologies, and provides high transponder read and write speeds. An ARM microcontroller handles the RFID configuration setup, and provides for a command interface to facilitate fast read/write access to the memory and features of the various transponders, says Eccel. The command interface is made available via a 921Kbps COM port.

Full features here:

  • Low-cost RFID Reader with Mifare Classic, Ultralight and NTAG2 support
  • Command interface via COM PORT with optional AES-128 encryption
  • UART baud rate up to 921600 b/s
  • High transponder read and write speed
  • -25°C to 85°C operating range
  • 4 configurable GPIOs with interrupts
  • 3 configurable PWMs
  • Comparator• ADC
  • Current Output DAC
  • AES-128 encryption engine
  • Multiple internal reference voltages
  • RoHS compliant
  • On board buzzer, LEDs and button

About Luca Ruggeri

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