Microduino-Joypad: an open source Smart controller from Microduino

By on October 16, 2014
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Microduino studio launched the first kickstarter in September 2013, introducing the brand new Arduino-compatible development board—Microduino.

Apparently the “Upin27” interface, had great success (due to compact size) and rich expansion boards have been created plus many applications.

The guys are now launching a new project, the Microduino-Joypad:

Microduino-Joypad is … an 8-bit game console + open source + UPin27 + AVR,STM32,MSP430,51 compatible + smart controller == Awesome!

via Microduino-Joypad: an open source 8-bit game console & more! by Microduino Studio — Kickstarter.


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