Goodwell wants to crete an Open Source Modern Toothbrush

By on November 11, 2014
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Another interesting campaing on CrowSupply, a corwdfunding portal which is well known as must for different projects (as you may remember also, open source novena laptop was launched there).

This time is the time of an Open Source, sustainable toothbrush!

Most toothbrushes today are all the same. They are made by huge corporations, mostly out of over molded plastic, and they get tossed in the garbage every other month or so. They’re designed to be sold cheap and disposed of just to turn around and buy another and do the same, we call this planned obsolescence and it’s got to stop.

At Goodwell, we’re designing the modern oral toolkit to fit your life. A toothbrush that lasts, looks great, and can be an asset to your every day routine. Our toothbrush is a supremely minimal and has a modern aesthetic with a sustainable platform that the toothbrush market today is missing. Sustainable because it is made of materials that last but also because it’s lifecycle is literally a lifetime, unlike traditional toothbrushes that you throw away 2-4 times a year.

via Goodwell: Open Source Modern Toothbrush | Crowd Supply.

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