FarmBot: open-source, scalable, automated precision Farming Machines

By on October 11, 2013
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Truly interesting project: we love it and we’re likely going to interview these guys:

What are FarmBots?

FarmBots are open-source, scalable, automated precision farming machines. Think of them like giant 3D printers, but instead of wielding plastic extruders, its tools are seed injectors, watering nozzles, plows, sensors, and more! For an in-depth description, read the FarmBot white paper or start exploring the wiki! Currently, there is one FarmBot in development, FarmBot Genesis, with plans for a crowdfunded launch mid-2014.

Our Vision

Create an open and accessible technology aiding everyone to grow food and to grow food for everyone.

via FarmBot Wiki – Welcome.

FarmBot Genesis Homepage Image

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