Dragon Innovation debuts: Crowdfunding plus coaching in Manufacturing

By on October 8, 2013
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This seems a really interesting initiative.

More than a crowdfunding site, it’s like kickstarter on steroids (for hardware).

Dragon has been helping hardware innovators bring amazing ideas to life for years, and we bring that experience to bear with every team we work with.

With Dragon Innovation, you can be sure your project will deliver.

The team at Dragon Innovation has been breaking new ground in hardware since the 1980s. That’s why we can say with confidence that the way new products come to life is changing. It’s never been easier to develop a prototype and get potential customers excited about that thing you want to build. But turning passion and an innovative idea into finished products at consumer scale is still really hard.

That’s where we come in.

The partner’s list is quite impressive, as the case studies. http://www.dragoninnovation.com/about-dragon

Here’s a recent podcast of Scott Miller (Founder & CEO) on Making Society

Dragon Innovation.




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