Discover Open Source Myoelectric and neural signal processing with Myopen

By on September 12, 2014
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While lookning for open hardware news I stumbled upon Myopen. Recently launched Myopen project, expanded to include a number of modules: EMG hardware (wired and wireless), EMG software, wireless neural recording hardware, wireless control software, and wired neural recording software. Everything in the project is open source (GPL v3):

OPP is seeking to encourage experimentation with myoelectric control in order to inspire more rapid development of mechatronic prostheses for amputees. Because of the extremely small market size for upper extremity prosthetics, we think that one way to encourage this activity is to develop toys or user customizable devices that are capable of myoelectric signal processing. With wider access and experimentation with the technology, perhaps we could see interesting developments beyond the traditional venues of corporate R&D and educational institution research.

via myopen – Myoelectric and neural signal processing and pattern recognition for control. – Google Project Hosting.

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