Compact Electric Vehicles Welcome Pacer With Open Arms

By on August 25, 2017
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With Pacer, Faraday Motion wants to provide a set of standard, modular components paired with open-source software for developers and makers to create affordable and simple electric vehicles.

Pacer is build on top of the Arduino core for ESP8266 and is running on the NODEMCU ESP8266 WiFi module. Their open-source software allows the chip to connect to a smartphone or WiFi enabled controller.
Riders can control their speed via their phone’s tilt sensor or the controller’s joystick.

The Berlin-based startup develops open source hardware kits for the mainstream formats.

In order to have a running vehicle in its simplest form you require the following components:

  • BLDC Motor
  • Motor Controller (for now we only support VESC)
  • Battery for power supply (max: 12S configuration)
  • NodeMCU
  • nRF24 module (optional)
  • MPU9150 module (optional)
  • Wired Controller (optional)

You can find more information on Pacer’s Github page.

About Luca Ruggeri

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