Cloud Os for Wireless 3D Printing: Print from Anywhere

By on September 23, 2016
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Slice, Store, and Print your 3D files from any web enabled device. In addition, you can monitor your 3D printer and organize designs in the cloud.

Incredible products from AstroPrint dedicated to your 3d printer. AstroPrint Cloud Slicer allows you to use  Slic3r or Cura through a web based architecture and exploiting the extreme performances of their server farm, seamlessly. You can upload your files in the Cloud storage and access every file wherever you are. You can slice 3d model section really fast, download the g-code, without installing any software.

Then, by using your Astrobox connected to your printer, you can remotely control your 3d printer with any web connected device: mobile phone, tablet, desktop pc.

Moreover, if you have a spare linux embedded computing board, by following these instructions you can do your Astrobox by yourself.

Source: Wireless 3D Printing

About Luca Ruggeri

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