Camera board comparisons: Pi NoIR v1 vs Pi NoIR v2 – Raspberry Pi

By on June 11, 2016
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The new 8 megapixel Raspberry Pi camera board has been out for just over a month, and we’ve been seeing some really impressive work being done with it. As many of you know, we also make a version of the camera board with no infrared (IR) filter: the Pi NoIR. Version 2 of the Pi NoIR has also been upgraded to use an 8 megapixel Sony sensor. People use the Pi NoIR to see in the dark (especially useful for wildlife camera traps and for security cams), to achieve some wacky camera effects, and to work on hyperspectral imaging.

What we haven’t seen so far is any comparison of the output from the Pi NoIR v1 and the Pi NoIR v2. So we were really pleased to find this video from Andr.oid Eric which demonstrates the cameras’ raw output side by side, alongside output from both cameras with a selection of IR and UV filters.

About Luca Ruggeri

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