Building your Science Lab with Open Source

By on September 8, 2014
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an extension of the book the Open Source Lab, researcher Joshua Pearce created this wide collection of information about how to make scientific equipment following open source principles.

Most experimental research projects are executed with a combination of purchased hardware equipment, which may be modified in the laboratory and custom single-built equipment fabricated inhouse. However, the computer software that helps design and execute experiments and analyze data has an additional source: It can also be free and open-source software (FOSS). 

… the open-source paradigm is now enabling creation of open-source scientific hardware by combining 3D printing with open-source microcontrollers running on FOSS. These developments are illustrated below by several examples of equipment fabrication that can better meet particular specifications at substantially lower overall costs.

via Building research equipment with free, open-source hardware – Appropedia: The sustainability wiki.

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