Arduino Powered R4-P17 Start Wars Droid

By on November 29, 2017
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Alejandro Clavijo, together with his father Jerónimo, spent two years building the first official fan-made model of the R4-P17 Star Wars droid. In the Star Wars saga, R4-P17 was the robot companion to the young Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The replica is made of aluminum and wood, and runs on four Arduino boards. Impressively, the project has also been approved by Lucasfilm, the studio behind the saga, allowing Clavijo to bring it to official Star Wars events all over the world.

As you can imagine, the robot has been a big hit, already making several appearances on TV and in a number of blogs.

I’m sure that Obi-Wan Kenobi would be proud of this amazing creation!

For further information, images or anything you need to build your own R4-P17, you can refer to the maker’s website or to the official R2 Builders Club.

About Luca Ruggeri

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