A Nice and “Hungry” Raspberry Pi Case

By on August 26, 2017
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Making a 3D printed Raspberry Pi enclosure stand out is a challenge, given the thousands of options that exist online, but this Pac-Man is something special.

The case can be opened thanks to a hinge on the back and it’s designed to fit a Raspberry Pi 3 in the lower section. There is space for a switch that pops up in the mouth as well as ports and vents hidden around the back and sides. The intended use for the switch seems to be for power, and the files below come with a cap complete with the on / off symbol. There’s even a small tray to keep spare microSD cards.

There are a few options to print, With or without the on/off button. Separate files for the eyes if you prefer to print in black or print and paint full. There are also solid and hollow versions. Supports will be needed for the bottom for all overhangs.

Chose your configuration and start having fun!

About Luca Ruggeri

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