3Digify Kickstarter turns your home camera into a high-resolution 3D Scanner

By on March 29, 2016
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Similar to what is true with today’s 3D printing technologies, 3D scanners come in all shapes, sizes, costs and capabilities. Also just like with 3D printers, there is still no 3D scanner that can claim to be the silver bullet in terms of capturing professional grade 3D data, both large and small, in full-colour at an affordable price. Well, It seems a small German company called 3Digify is now hoping to offer the full-package with their recently launched Kickstarter campaign.

Unlike most 3D scanning solutions that rely entirely on a standalone device, the 3Digify approach is based on the premise that most people already have access to the core components that make capturing 3D data possible. This means that if you have a digital camera, a video projector and a computer, you already have the hardware needed to make a high-resolution, full-color 3D scan. So with this Kickstarter, 3Digify is essentially offering a membership based service to access their capture algorithms (6 years in the making) for converting your 3D scan information into a 3D file.

As seen in the above scanner comparison chart, their technology is able to capture more data than most professional grade 3D scanners out there in part because they use the full resolution of your camera, whereas most scanners (or so it is claimed) rely on low-resolution image capture technology.

Source: 3ders.org

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