3D Printing Infographic shows You can Save Time And Money with in House 3dprinting

By on December 23, 2014
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Interesting infographics from Line//Shape//Space explains how in house 3dprinting is already competitive!

And they didn’t even take into account that open source efficient 3dprinters ship for even less than 2000 $ (look at ours)

There are still some hurdles to clear, such as cost of materials, speed, and print quality, which you can read more about in the LSS article, “Early Adopters: Is 3D Printing Right for Your Business?”. But there’s good reason to be optimistic: You can pick up a consumer 3D printer for less than $2,000, and professional printers start at $5,000. A few years ago, you wouldn’t have found one for under $10,000.

And one case study from UC Davis—which compares in-house 3D printing jobs to buying from a supplier—reveals that you can recoup 18 percent of the cost of a printer in just one job. Plus, you don’t have to wait for the product to be shipped!

Have you tested out 3D printing at home or for your small business? Did you make any interesting discoveries? Or if you haven’t, what’s your hesitation to diving in?

via 3D Printing Infographic: How You Save Time And Money.



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