WEMBI: Make your 3d printing the best ever — Kickstarter

By on January 10, 2017
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Thanks to a revolutionary firmware and a very simple hardware, Wembi overtakes the problem of low accuracy levels and achieves unparalleled accuracy and Speed in 3D printing, unlike anything else. With important advantages over standard stepper motor technology, it offers outstanding benefits:

  • Reveal the True Power of Your Designs – Wembi essentially allows to emulate a stepper motor with a brushed motor but not with just, 80, 2650, or even 3500 steps per revolution. The Wembi system uses a 2.448 Line encoder in its four times resolution. Means about 0.1470 degrees per mm/count Instead of 1.8 degrees or even more.
  • Print In Less Time – With less mass on the x-y axis and less stress on the linear bearings, your 3D printer can now move faster and take less time to go to the printing part.
  • Create Your Projects In Silence  The printer can now generate significantly less noise, so you can bring your 3D creations to life, without making a raucous.
  • Never Lose A Step Again Step losses are finally a thing of the past, as Wembi’s active position tracking system allows all prints to end up in the perfect condition.
  • Cost Effective – Almost all 2D Paper printers are already equipped with DC motors and everything that is needed to control it, building a 3D printer or CNC machine with this kind of Technology is considerably less expensive.
  • Say Goodbye to Overheated Stepper Drivers – Through the use of a Position Feedback Control system Wembi allows for disturbance rejection that resists not only against external shock but also internal mis-tracking often caused by a build-up of errors. You can simply replace the drivers with Wembi’s Stepper Driver carrier adapter and print with peace in mind.

Connect your Wembi Upgrade to your 3D printer is easy, using the special Stepper-Driver Carrier adapters. Easy to fit into the existing standard stepper driver slots and exchange, they make the procedure a breeze in three simple steps.
Wembi is compatible with a number of motherboards. The solution is flexible and you can make replacing parts a great deal easier than in the past through the almost plug and play ability of the firm.- and Hardware they have developed. At the heart of the Wembi Solution an atmega328p microcontroller chip provides the capacity for intelligent 3D printing that also keeps costs low.


Ramps 1.4, GRBL Shield with Arduino Uno and Azteeg x3 PRO Controller.
Other motherboards should have no issues, if Marlin or GRBL are used as firmware.


They are developing software in a .NET framework that can fine tune PID constants, PID gains, KP, KI and KD requirements for 3D printers with the WEMBI add-on. 

Help them to gather the necessary money to go on, here.



About Luca Ruggeri

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