Welcom Open Source Knitting with OpenKnit

By on March 1, 2014
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That’s an amazing project: an open source Knitting Machine inspired by rep rap – as it seems.

Digital fabrication of clothes is getting more and more near.

OpenKnit is an open-source, low cost (under 550€), digital fabrication tool that affords the user the opportunity to create his own bespoke clothing from digital files. Starting from the raw material, the yarn, and straight to its end use, a sweater for example, in about an hour. Designing and producing clothes digitally and wearing them can now happen in the very same place, rewarding the user with the ability to make decisions regarding creativity and responsibility.

See the video

Here’s a good coverage on Hack a Day: http://hackaday.com/2014/02/20/openknit-the-open-source-knitting-machine/

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