Watching MIT’s Glass 3D Printer Is Absolutely Mesmerizing

By on August 25, 2015
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Inspiring innovative 3d printer from MIT, capable of printing with melted glass. Apart from the artistic application, could you guess the impact on the hi-tech industry using glass and silicon-based materials?

Called G3DP (Glass 3D Printing) and developed in collaboration with MIT’s Glass Lab, the process is an additive manufacturing platform with dual heated chambers. The upper chamber is a “Kiln Cartridge,” operating at a mind-boggling 1900°F, while the lower chamber works to anneal (heat then cool in order to soften the glass). The special 3D printer is not creating glass from scratch, but rather working with the preexisting substance, then layering and building out fantastical shapes like a robot glassblower.

Look at the full presentation video, absolutely catching:

GLASS from Mediated Matter Group on Vimeo.

Source: Watching MIT’s Glass 3D Printer Is Absolutely Mesmerizing

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