• A mechanical 7-segment clock

    We are used to seeing clocks with 7-segment displays which, through the switching on and off of some LEDs, form the numbers. This project is different, in fact instead of the LEDs we find stepper motors that,...

    • Posted 2 years ago
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  • Automatic cereal dispenser with facial recognition

    The goal of this project is to create a device that contains cereals and opens the cap to release part of the cereal and then closes it again. The user will only have to place their bowl...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Wire Fault Detector

      The project is intended to detect the location of fault in underground cable lines from the base station to exact location in kilometers. In this circuit we are used an Arduino UNO, Relays, ULN2003A, LCD, LEDs,...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • Stepper Motor + Driver

      Set consisting of a stepper motor driver based on the ULN2003 chip and a 4-phase stepper motor. Equipped with 4 status LEDs for each phase of the motor, the driver is controlled via the 4 input...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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