• Obsidian ESP32 Board in a Raspberry Pi Form Factor

    A new open source Espressif ESP32-based board offering a form factor similar to popular single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi Model A / 3 Model A+  has been launched via the Crowd Supply website this month and...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Dresden-Elektronik Unveiled Two ZigBee Home Automation Gateways

    Dresden-Elektronik announced the release of a ZigBee-enabled home automation hub based on a Raspberry Pi 3 SBC, as well as a second-gen USB dongle for enabling laptops and other Linux and Windows computers with a ZigBee gateway:...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Piper Computer Kit 2 Teaches Kids How to Become a Perfect Hardware Hacker

    Teaching kids how to code is considered one of the core skills for the 21st Century, helping children develop the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) tools they’ll need in the future. The Piper Computer Kit took...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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