• Zynthian: “a swiss army knife of sound synthesis”

    Zynthian is a new fully open source Raspberry Pi synthesiser which provides a new class of machine, equipped with multiple engines, filters and effects. It is completely configurable and upgradable and offers an open platform for Sound Synthesis based on...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Microsoft open sourced Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino

    Microsoft, which has the biggest contributor community on GitHub, has launched the MIT-licensed code across the open source platform to enable developers to leverage Arduino hardware specifically for IoT projects and applications. Zhidi Shang – R&D and...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Domotics Kit: an IoT platform for every Smart Home now on Kickstarter

    Domotics Kit is a complete solution, based on Arduino, Udoo and Raspberry boards, to easily design and prototype interactive objects or environments, to make any kind of device around you smart, to create applications that make life...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • New OSVehicle platform, completely redesigned: be the first one to see it!

    OSVehicle is a disruptive company, innovating the automotive industry. From making to hacking cars is their mission: in a short time, they’ve already designed a two and a four seats vehicle, released under open source license. Here...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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