• CasioKeyBot, the Robotized Hand Plays an Old Casio Electronic Keyboard

    I really like the crappy sound of those 80s toy keyboards. Unfortunately, I am a lousy live keyboarder and I only have so many hands. So I thought about adding MIDI capability to my good old Casio...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Open Source Underwater Glider Drone

    This Open Source Underwater Glider has just been named the Grand Prize winner of the 2017 Hackaday Prize. As the top winner of the Hackaday Prize, the Open Source Underwater Glider will receive $50,000 USD completes the awarding...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Analyze your world with the WiSci portable spectrometer

    Spectroscopy is an incredible tool for chemical analysis–and now you can make your own Bluetooth-enabled device with an Arduino Pro Mini. Using off-the-shelf components–including an Arduino, a Bluetooth module, an LED, optical filters, and a LiPo battery–housed inside a 3D-printed case,...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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