• Internet of Things Mood Tracker for School or Work

      It is normal that school is challenging and, at times, deeply so! But sometimes things really do get out of control, and students, unable to communicate to their teachers and advisors how they are feeling, can...

    • Posted 3 years ago
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  • Build a DMX FeatherWing to control lights with a Feather M0

      This project uses an Adafruit Feather M0 Basic Proto board to control a group of Color Kinetics or other RGB light fixtures using the DMX-512 protocol. We’ll build a DMX-512 interface FeatherWing then connect it to the Feather...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • How I Made My Heating Smart Without Damaging Or Replacing Anything

      Andy Bradford has been wanting to upgrade their heating system for a some time – but their house is rented. Damaging the house would cause them to lose their security deposit, “so the whole system must...

    • Posted 4 years ago
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  • LoRa Mesh Chat

      This is a fairly simple add-on for mobile phones to enable SMS-like messaging in a group when outside cell coverage, or in disaster scenarios. It utilises Semtech LoRa radios, for low-power/long-range communications. More info

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • Adafruit introduced Feather Express

      Recently Adafruit introduced the STM32F405 Feather Express. Mounting an STMicroelectronics STM32F405 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 processor running at 168MHz, 1MB of flash memory, a 2MB SPI flash module. It also features an onboard NeoPixel indicator and a...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • A Quick Rundown on Adafruit’s Feather Ecosystem

    Adafruit began their Feather ecosystem endeavor last year with the introduction of the Feather 32u4 Basic Proto, a tiny (51mm×23mm×8mm) development board outfitted with an ATmega32u4 SoC, 20 GPIO pin-out and an onboard prototyping section. What made...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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