• Spherebot Reloaded: Customize Your Xmas

    Let’s create a plotter to decorate Christmas Tree balls with writing and drawings. Christmas is coming you dusted off your xmas tree and decorated it: everybody try to make it different, buying new decorations and balls of...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Chat with Dave Hakkens: that’s why Phonebloks it’s about Co-Design and OpenSource

    Phonebloks and Project Ara Few days ago, after the presentation of the joint venture between Phonebloks and Motorola, called Project Ara, that I pretty enthusiastically commented earlier on this blog, we reached out to Phonebloks website with...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Interview to Alastair Parvin and Wikihouse project

      For the latest episode of our Meet The Founders interviews we are releasing today the intervivew we made recently with WIkihouse funder Alastair Parvin. The interview come up superbe and it touches a lot of topics,...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Domestic Science Machines: hacking kitchen tools into Medical Devices

    How to hack domestic, kitchen tools  and transform it into Medical Devices: via Domestic Science Machines. Inspired by hacked laboratory equipment “Domestic Science Machines” are a collection of devices that combine the regular use of home appliances with a scientific...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Designer creates 3D Printed Bowls and Plates Made From Sugar

    3D printing technology has already been used to create elegant, edible 3D printed sweets made out of sugar. But now designer Philippe Malouin is using a 3D printer to create a variety of sugar-based plates and bowls...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Interview to the FABTotum Team: the Personal Fabricator that wants to Change the Rules

    The excitement around the new personal fabrication tool that is raising funds on Indiegogo is growing every day: the funding object has been pulverized in few days and the team is already working on adding new extended...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • FabHub team presents OpenDesk.cc

    OpenDesk is a collaboration between furniture designers Joni & David Steiner and Development 00, the team behind digital fabrication platform FabHub. An offshoot of / follow up to the TED-prize winning WikiHouse project, which created the world’s...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Volvo V60’s portable solar-powered pavilion

    This is not Open Source, but it’s pretty amazing, the collapsible pavilion charges volvo’s new hybrid electric V60 through solar power & folds up into the vehicle’s trunk when not in use. los angeles-based synthesis design + architecture...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Designer creates intelligent Furniture thanks to Smart Materials – From Furniture Fair

    The plastic, capable of dramatic changes in shape and size, makes it possible for objects to transform themselves entirely. Hence a small, compressed package can become a full-grown armchair, whose first life-size version will be presented during...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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