• Micro:bit Smart Car

      A multifunction platform built around BBC’s micro:bit educational board. It integrates a cute robot, a starter kit and also a board for experimenting.   Some time ago, in a previous article, we have reviewed the micro:bit controller designed...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • BBC micro:bit

      The latest initiative by BBC to teach anyone how to code, from 0 to 99-year-olds… and beyond.   BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) created the tiniest microcomputer that they will offer free of charge to every English...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Raspberry Pi or not Raspberry Pi?

    Everyone knows Raspberry Pi, maybe everyone’s got one…but what if you want something different? The Raspberry Pi is an awesome computer for the price, but it is not the only single-board computer in the market, of course. If...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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