• Raspberry Pi or not Raspberry Pi?

    Everyone knows Raspberry Pi, maybe everyone’s got one…but what if you want something different? The Raspberry Pi is an awesome computer for the price, but it is not the only single-board computer in the market, of course. If...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Husarion Core2 and Core2-ROS: the New Robotics Prototyping Platform

    San Francisco based robotics firm Husarion, which has previously launched an industrial picker robot called the RoboCore, has gone to Crowd Supply to pitch a new Husarion Core2 prototyping platform for the robotics maker community. The $89...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • Asus Tinker Board Vs Raspberry Pi

    The Raspberry Pi has a new rival, the more powerful but slightly pricier Asus Tinker Board. This is a powerful board highly compatible with current solution and peripherals available in the market and it combines low power consumption...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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