Open Sourcing Linkedin Pinot: Scaling the Wall of Real-Time Analytics

By on June 26, 2015
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Linkedin, the most famous professionals social network is also very active on developing open source software. They announced the release of Pinot, an open source data analytic software (the same Linkedin uses on its big data):

Last fall we introduced Pinot, LinkedIn’s real-time analytics infrastructure, that we built to allow us to slice and dice across billions of rows in real-time across a wide variety of products. Today we are happy to announce that we have open sourced Pinot. We’ve had a lot of interest in Pinot and are excited to see how it is adopted by the open source community.

In addition, more than 30 internal products are powered by Pinot. This includes XLNT, our A/B testing platform, which is crucial to our business – we run more than 400 experiments in parallel daily on it.

We chose the name Pinot for two reasons, one obvious and the other a little less so. First, everyone on our team loves Pinot noir. Second, the Pinot noir grape is the toughest of all red varietals to grow and process into wine, yet can produce some of the most complex wine available. This is much like data, which can be so tough to gather and analyze, but so incredibly useful once it’s put to work in the right way.

The source code for Pinot is available on Github under Apache 2.0 License. Documentation that covers getting started, design and how to use Pinot is published on the project wiki. We would love to get your feedback on the project.

Source: Open Sourcing Pinot: Scaling the Wall of Real-Time Analytics

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