Open BioMedical Initiative, low cost BioMed technology for all

By on April 9, 2015
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A good initiative, made of people willing to help people to have the right medical treatments and devices anyone needs. With the advent of open source hardware, 3d printing, development communities now it is possible to make prosthetic devices and medical devices at a fraction of the price generally asked by Big Pharma’s.

For whom will be in Italy, Naples on April 11th, there will be the first event dedicated to this project hosted at “La Città della Scienza”.

The community is very young, if you agree with what they say, join them:

The Open BioMedical Initiative is a newly established global community with the purpose of creating and promoting Low-Cost, Open Source, 3D Printable BioMedical Technologies. It is supported by the Open BioMedical Organization, the official association of the Open BioMedical Initiative.

Our team is composed of engineers, doctors, biotechnologists, makers, enthusiasts, curious people. We are never enough, however, and anyone can be the strength for this new project. We are constantly looking for enthusiastic people willing to contribute, regardless of education, occupation, place of residence, personal interests. Anyone is able to make a difference.

If you need more detailed information on how we are doing this click here and if you want contribute or simply want to send us a feedback click here.

via Open BioMedical Initiative.

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