MeU is a new platform for Open Source Wearable LED Display

By on November 4, 2014
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A new Open Source took to find you way into design new wearable gadgets and experiences is looking for funding on kickstarter.

Despite the challenging goal, it looks like the project may be on track to achieve its objectives!

What is MeU?

What if you could communicate instantly with your immediate surroundings? Informing those around you to the weather forecast, the latest breaking news, or even just your current mood.

MeU is an innovative and completely open-source technology with the power to display a striking visual message on your clothing. Think of it as a visual platform for clothing. 

If you’re into DIY wearable tech, Arduino and Maker culture then MeU is a great way to “hack your own clothing”.  

Sure wearable LEDs have been around for a while, but with MeU, you’re finally able to completely customize what you display. The LED panels can be controlled using your smartphone, allowing you to change your design as quickly as you send a tweet. Or you can create your own custom content by programming it yourself.

With MeU’s open source hardware and software at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. But here are a few to get you inspired anyway:

Stay safe with MeU by providing runners and cyclists a method of communicating with other road users

Spread your company’s message and logo in an eye-catching visual presentation

Display information quickly when leading a large hike or a group tour

Light up the night with your own decorative design at a music festival

Be sure to check our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook streams for more pictures and videos of MeU in action!

via MeU: Open Source Wearable LED Display | Indiegogo.

Meu2 Meu1 Meu3

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