MeowCAD – a free FOSS online electronic design tool

By on July 10, 2015
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MeowCAD is a free and open source electronics design tool that runs completely in your browser. With it you’ll be able to create schematic and board layouts. Different export features allow you to generate Gerber files to send off to board manufacturers or GCode files for isolation routing. You’ll also easily be able to share projects and designs with friends.

MeowCAD is still in an ‘alpha’ stage so there are many missing features and lurking bugs but it’s stable enough to release to the community to see if there’s interest.

Here are a couple of complete projects you can browse to evaluate the tool and make you opinion about.

Here is a video showing how to approach to MeowCAD:

Thanks to this tool, you can desing even complex schematics like the following:

On their website you can access to github repository for website and application: MeowCAD

A longer video showing a more detailed operation process:

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