Maker Faire Rome 2017: Are You Ready?

By on October 14, 2017
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Are You ready for the European Edition 2017?

If you are a college student you’ll be happy to know that “Call for Universities and Research Institutes” is open until OCTOBER 15 TH

Bring your project, together we will give visibility to your invention!
Will be many visitors, curious, makers from around the world who want to learn about you and your project.
The Call for Schools is open to public Universities and Research Institutes. 

A jury will pick the most innovative projects which will be hosted during Maker Faire Rome 2017.

If you aren’t a college student yet, but you are still in school, maybe you’ll be excited to know that also “Call For Schools” is open. Send us your proposal UNTIL OCT 20 ! 

The Call for Schools is open to educational institutions belonging to the countries of the European Union (14-18 years of age). 
A jury will pick the most innovative projects which will be hosted during Maker Faire Rome 2017 inside an area dedicated entirely to schools.

Participation is free of charge. We are expecting creativity, passion, ingenuity and inventive work and… your project created on school desks!

But that’s not all: Maker Faire Rome means great visibility, plenty of contacts and loads of fun. All participating projects will be prominently displayed on the Event web site, and our press & media team will introduce them to national and international newspapers, radio and television.

Call for Schools  is organised by Innova Camera, in collaboration with MIUR”

About Luca Ruggeri

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