Maker Faire Rome 1>3 December: Circle the date on the calendar!

By on November 1, 2017
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The fifth edition of Maker Faire The European Edition will start the first of December at Fiera di Roma.
Here you can find how to get there.

Remember to subscribe Maker Faire’s newsletter for news, updates and discounts.

While we are waiting for the Maker Faire Rome, The second European Maker Week is starting!

From October 23 to October 29, 2017 takes place the second  “European Maker Week”, an initiative promoted by the European Commission, implemened by Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition in collaboration with Startup Europe and the Committee of the Regions under the high patronage of the European Parliament.

The aim is’ to create a virtuous circle to spread the culture of digital manufacturing and strengthen the ecosystem for the growth and innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Last year more than 500 events have been organized across Europe. From Oct. 23 to 29 all the EU Countries are invited to take part and share with us the II Edition of the European Maker Week!

European Maker Week is particularly interested in reach out to new players who have never organized a maker event before. How can we do that? By fostering hundreds of makers events to reach the largest possible audience!”

Stay tuned for any updates!

About Luca Ruggeri

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