LPS35HW Water Resistant Pressure Sensor Now Available on Adafruit

By on June 15, 2019
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The ST LPS35HW is a water resistant barometric pressure and temperature sensor that is also safe to use in wet environments. In fact it combines protection from water intrusion with support for high precision relative and absolute measurements, and drivers are available for CircuitPython, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi, and support for I2C or SPI (Arduino only SPI support, for now).

Along with not being afraid of getting wet, the LPS35HW has a 24bit pressure data and 16 bit temperature data, allowing it to deliver pressure readings with +/- 0.1% hPa accuracy. It can measure from 260 to 1260 hPa and is able to withstand pressure up to 20 times its measurement range.

Priced at just $12.50 the Water Resistant Pressure Sensor is now available directly from Adafruit and specifications include a :
– Pressure sensor with water resistant package
– 260 to 1260 hPa absolute pressure range
– 24-bit pressure data output
– 16-bit temperature data output
– ODR from 1 Hz to 75 Hz
– SPI and I²C interfaces

Please visit Adafruit.com for further information.

About Luca Ruggeri

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