Play your Guitar with Arduino-powered Footswitch 

By on January 23, 2017
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As creator Franco Molina points out, there’s a lot to worry about when playing guitar in front of an audience. Actually playing is one thing, but you have to pay attention to the crowd, move around on stage, make sure you don’t have any wardrobe malfunctions, and… hit a footswitch to change between clean and distorted channels when appropriate.

Molina’s device, by using an Arduino Uno along with an amp to listen the track from a computer or MP3 player, can automatically switch amplifier modes when appropriate to simulate a footswitch.

Check here all the required steps to make it possible and than you have only to:

  • plug your computer/audioInterface/mp3player on the click-track input
  • plug your guitar into your amp
  • plug a ¼ cable from our footswitch output to the footswitch input of your amp
  • play the click-track on your computer/audioInterface/mp3player
  • check the led is lighting at the same time that the clicks
  • start rocking! …your channels will know when to change themselves.

About Luca Ruggeri

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