Last Week for Call for Makers – Maker Faire Rome. Submit your project now!

By on May 23, 2015
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Last week to submit your idea and join the third edition of European Maker Faire, held in Italy. This exhibition is Europe’s biggest innovation event. In 2014, more than 90,000 visitors have been attracted, with a huge impact on each maker visibility and support.

In 2015, the Faire will be hosted by University La Sapienza, in Rome, stretching for over 80,000 square meters. Can’t miss, rush now to submit your dream!

Call for Makers

Everyone is a maker!

Submit your project by May 31 !

There are many ways to participate:

  • you can exhibit your project: we’ll give you for free a booth with table and chairs inside the halls, which will be filled with visitors who are curious and interested in meeting you
  • you can make a presentation in public: we’ll give you for free a room or a stage where you can talk about your project or tell your story or deal with the issues that you want to propose
  • you can hold a workshop: we’ll give you for free a workshop area where you can do interactive demonstrations and engage participants -adults and / or children- in practical activities
  • you can perform in public: we’ll give you for free a space or a stage for you to perform in your creative, technological, robotic, musical, pyrotechnic performance…

Sponsors interested in acquiring space with a fee may consult the sponsors section.

Projects will be selected by a jury and will participate free of charge. We expect creative, innovative, fun, interactive projects, showing the process by which the achievements enrich visitors communicating passion and ingenuity.

Still in doubt whether joining or not? Massimo Banzi has a special message for you:

Just to double-check and be really sure that you’ll join, here is the Maker Faire 2014 European edition in a nutshell:

Source: Call for Makers – Maker Faire Rome

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