Industrialberry: industrial embedded computing solutions for Raspberry Pi

By on July 27, 2016
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canberry_2_1_bottom is an “Open Electronic Schematics”  project for embedded systems. We are a group of Engineers and Ph.D.S from Italy (Milan)  loving Raspberry PI board and everything about embedded electronics. For this reason we want to create a community with the aim of helping people working on the embedded world. Join us and submit your project giving  people the opportunity to improve it. We will be pleased to review your design (if necessary) and publish it on this website.

Raspberry Pi is one of the most common embedded computing boards, used really everywhere a computational or a connectivity and control capacity is requested by the project. Industrialberry is bringing this platform to the next level, adding industrial electronics compatibility and resiliency level.

You can find many solution on their website:

Servoberry V 1.0

ServoBerry V 1.0 is an extension board for Raspberry Pi derived from the shield Adafruit 16-Channel Servo Driver, and it is an Open Hardware Design. It has two functionalities: a PWM led/motor driver IC and an ADC. Dedicated to robotics projects

Canberry V 2.1

CanBerry Pi V 2.1 is an extension board for RaspBerry Pi. It is an Open Hardware Design. It has two functionalities: a can bus module and an onboard Real Time clock powered by a 12 mm battery. The CanBus is based on MCP2515 SPI controller and the MCP2551 tranceiver for normal Can Bus, or a ISO1050 to isolate the bus. The new transceiver is placed into an isolated galvanic area. All functionalities are full integrated in standard linux kernel, so, they can be avaible on fly, or at last recompiling linux kernel to add canbus functionalities. The real time clock is based on DS3231 with internal oscillator I2C controller. It is full compatible with linux too. Using I2C Kernel module, and standard kernel functions, date and hour can be set/get by simple commands. On the bottom side is located an on board battery to guarantee a data autonomy more than 20 years. In chapter hardware there are all informations on principal components, schematics to rebuild and modify RaspBerry PI board. The new board is desaigned with the Raspberry Hat specification. There are four fixing holes and the hardware identification EEPROM (Blank Memory not mounted).

USB ADC Relay V 8.0

 The ADC Relay Adapter V 8.0 is an extension board for RaspBerry Pi based on Open Hardware Design. It has two hardware features: control of 4 relays and 4 ADC channels. The board is connected to the Raspberry with an USB Bus, this feature allow the compatibility with other linux boards.
This board contains four switch relay 1 Form C, 2 ADC IN 0-10V and 2 ADC IN 4-20mA. The connection with Raspberry PI is made with a classical USB-UART converter FT232RL (FTDI Chip) compatible with the kernel, the USB connector provides also the power supply.
This choice make the device usefull also in non-linux based board too.


About Luca Ruggeri

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