If you still don’t know Solar Pocket Factory that’s why you should

By on August 18, 2014
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This project really hit the news earlier on this month: looks like after completing successfully its kickstarter campaign the guys are on track to change the world of solar providing a product that could be used by anyone to make DIY solar panels. –

See a good coverage of he project here: http://livefreelivenatural.com/backyard-solar-factory/#sthash.pgMraFdt.sThNyFvF.dpuf

A Solar Pocket Factory is a tabletop machine that makes solar panels automatically.  Our goal is to make cleantech hackable.

On this site you can find some solar widgets and wonderments, some made by our friends and some made on Solar Pocket Factories.  You can also follow our invention adventure on our Solar Pocket Pages blog, as we try to transform the solar industry from our own tiny workshops.

via Solar Pocket Factory.

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