Electric vehicle batteries are getting cheaper much faster than we expected

By on July 26, 2015
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The truly surprising part of Tesla’s Powerwall announcement, however, was its price point. In 2014, the average cost of installing a stationary Li-ion battery in a California home was $23,429, according to The Wall Street Journal. In May, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that these batteries would start at $3,500, plus a $500 installation cost.

Good news for green and sustainability fans, price of Li-Ion batteries are falling. In less than one year, a home-solution dropped down from $20,000 to $4,000.

A corresponding automotive solution, dropped from $1,000 per KWh to $450. Top brands, like Tesla and Nissan (for its Leaf e-car) are already purchasing at $310 per KWh.

Many analysts are indicating the $150 threshold to set for a true explosion and success of the full electrical powered automotive solution if compared to traditional fuels.

Can’t wait to get that closer!

Source: Electric vehicle batteries are getting cheaper much faster than we expected

About Luca Ruggeri

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