e-nable Awarded $600k from Google for 3D printed Prosthetics

By on July 4, 2015
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When Innovation meets charity to help children, something magic happens!

In the universe of 3D printing, one star shines particularly bright. The organization named e-NABLE has set out to harness the multitudes of home 3d printers to create customized and cheap prosthesis for children. We’ve covered them on many occasions, and it would appear that Google has also taken note.

As part of their $20 million Impact Challenge, a competition to get funding to those who are making a difference in the lives of the disabled, Google has awarded e-NABLE $600k. These funds will go toward further research and will help to get more hands shipped to more kids.

One example of what these funds could supply is more development time towards tools to help in the creation of prosthetics. Hand-o-Matic, a free online tool for generating the 3d printing files that are customized to your specific prosthetic tools has been in development for a while and gets better every day.

For a taste of what it is like to be involved in the receiving end of e-NABLE, check out this video and story by Chris Oxenbury where he shares the experience.

Source: e-nable Awarded $600k from Google for 3D printed Prosthetics

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