Demoboard for Arduino

By on January 29, 2019
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Demoboard specially designed to allow the end user to perform and demonstrate the operation of the circuits made with the ATmega328PU processor in the Arduino environment. The demoboard is based on the compatible Arduino Nano module (included) and allows numerous hardware connections.

In this workstation, there is everything you need to learn how to use Arduino, develop software and hardware activities using a single PCB support.

This development environment provides different hardware solutions to connect Arduino accessories, without any need for welding. It connects directly to the PC via the USB cable and is programmed through the Arduino IDE.

It is recommended for self-learning, development and design of new prototypes, computer courses, etc.

The compatible Arduino Nano can be used as an ISP-AVR programmer. The necessary connections are derived from the Arduino Nano digital lines and are connected to the 28-pin socket, positioned within the Arduino UNO layout area. Insert a virgin Atmega328P-PU chip into the socket. To install the bootloader in the chip, run the Arduino IDE, from the tool menu select the Write Bootloader entry. At this point, the chip is ready to receive new sketches and to be programmed as needed.

The Demoboard comes with the following parts: Arduino Nano compatible, 16×2 LCD display, ESP8266 module, HC05 Bluetooth module, IR38DM infrared receiver, DS18B20 temperature sensor, a module with 8 LCD displays and MAX7219, PCF8574 and ULN2003 (already installed).


Read more: Demoboard for Arduino

About Boris Landoni

Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field, embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.

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