Christmas is coming: it’s time to work on home’s lights

By on December 9, 2018
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Josiah Davenport, a 14 years old teenager, for this Christmas decided to animate 3,500 Christmas lights on his family’s home with the help of an Arduino Mega.

On Monday, the 14-year-old will activate a synchronized display at his family’s home at 705 NE Canterbury Dr., in Ankeny. The production includes approximately 3,500 Christmas lights and about 900 feet of cord.

This ambitious installation was started back in July, and took around 100 hours of research, programming, and assembly. He programmed the display using the Arduino board he received from his parents a couple years ago, as well as some computer software that allowed him to visualize the display as he was creating it.

Josiah’s father, David, said the family has decorated their home in the past but never with this many lights or programmed music. He helped with a few of the tasks, but his son did the vast majority on his own.

So, great job Josiah!

About Luca Ruggeri

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