Brain-Duino – Open-Source, High-Quality Brain-Computer Interface

By on March 28, 2016
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‘Brain-Duino’ is an open-source brain-computer interface project. With Brain-Duino you can control your computer by thoughts, enhance mental states, do art installations and much more.

During 2016 Brainduino will launch a Kickstarter campaign, if you want to be updated on their progresses you can subscribe to their official newsletter.

You can follow the project on the social networks:

And here are the technical specs:

Technical Specifications:

Brain-Duino Basic 2 ch.
(2015 version)
Brain-Duino 2 ch.
(2016 version)
Brain-Duino 2 ch.
(2016 version) with Teensy
Number of channels 2 plus reference 2 plus reference 2 plus reference
Channel type / reference referential channels (bipolar) bipolar bipolar
A/D-Conversion 10 bit 24 bit 24 bit
Input range ±100 µV ±2,5 mV ±2,5 mV
Input impedance to ground 10 TΩ 10 TΩ 10 TΩ
Sampling rate 512 Hz 512 Hz 2.5 KHz
Resolution 0.1 µV 0.01888 µV 0.037 µV
Bandwidth 0.16 Hz – 256 Hz 0.16 Hz – 256 Hz 0.16 Hz – 1 kHz


Source: Brain-Duino – Open-Source, High-Quality Brain-Computer Interface

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