A new Supercapacitor-Powered Portable Speaker Hydrogen is on Crowd Supply

By on November 13, 2014
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The team who brought to you the original Helium speakers now proposes a new version of the Supercapacitor-Powered Portable Speaker, again on crowdsupply, the Hydrogen.

As they say:

Open hardware. Built to last in Portland, Ore. Available for pre-order now at Crowd Supply.

More details:

We’re really excited that now, we’re able to pair two speakers via Bluetooth – you can have beautiful stereo sound at home, and a killer portable system everywhere else. We also responded to customer feedback and added a volume control, while still simplifying the control layout. Our products are built around simplicity. They’re designed to just work, every time, for decades.

via Hydrogen: Next-Generation Supercapacitor-Powered Portable Speaker | Crowd Supply.

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