3D Body Scanner for Fashion Design and Lots of Other Things

By on August 29, 2017
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Poppy Mosbacher has created a full 3D body scanner by using 27 Raspberry Pi Zeros, 27 Raspberry Pi Camera Modules and various other components.

Poppy herself wanted to use the scanner in her work as a fashion designer. With the help of 3D scans of her models, she would be able to create custom cardboard dressmakers dummy to ensure her designs fit perfectly. This is a brilliant way of incorporating digital tech into another industry – and it’s not the only application for this sort of build. Growing numbers of businesses use 3D body scanning, for example the stores around the world where customers can 3D scan and print themselves as action-figure-sized replicas.

The Pi Zeros run Raspbian Lite, and are connected to a main server running a node application. Each is fitted into its own laser-cut cardboard case, and secured to a structure of cardboard tubing and 3D-printed connectors.
the person to be scanned stands within the centre of the structure, and the press of a button sends the signal for all Pis to take a photo. The images are sent back to the server, and processed through Autocade ReMake, a freemium software available for the PC.

Visit the Instructables page for all code and instructions to build this 3D scanner.

About Luca Ruggeri

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